
This website is a project of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons Pelvic Anatomy Group (PAG). The mission of the SGS PAG is to advance the field of gynecologic surgery through research and education on pelvic anatomy.

The Pelvic Anatomy Group consists of three working groups:

Nomenclature Group

The mission of the Nomenclature Group is to create a standardized list of preferred terminology for female pelvic anatomy to be used in medical communication by creating a “concordance map” for anatomical terms for the female pelvis. Their work has produced the multiple publications that have informed the creation of this website. The terminology used in this work is based on the publication Terminologia Anatomica, 2nd edition, which is an international consensus publication on anatomic terminology.

3D Imaging Group

The mission of the 3D Imaging Group is to cultivate and disseminate the skills necessary to understand, interpret, and study three-dimensional imaging of the pelvis in order to advance understanding and future treatment of dynamic, in vivo, pelvic anatomy. The work of the 3D Imaging Group is integral to this website.

Digital Library Group

The mission of the Digital Library Group is to disseminate knowledge of female pelvic anatomy, promote the use of standardized anatomic terminology, and to advance the field of gynecologic surgery by creating and maintaining the most anatomically accurate resource for female pelvic anatomy. Since 2018 the Digital Library Group has been systematically developing this website to serve as a resource for anatomy teaching and study. This surgeon-led site uses surgical, clinical, and cadaver dissection photos, videos, and images reviewed by expert anatomists and field leaders. This website also disseminates the work of the Nomenclature and 3D Imaging Groups. Only precise historical drawings are included and we have purposefully excluded digital recreations and illustrations, as they are typically inaccurate or incomplete.

This website is supported by the John O. L. DeLancey Fund. Donations to this fund support the ongoing development and maintenance of the website.

John O. L. DeLancey, MD
John O. L. DeLancey, MD
Senior Editor
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Marlene Corton, MD, MS
Marlene Corton, MD, MS
Senior Editor
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Digital Library Group Chair: Annetta Madsen, MD

Steering Committee: Sarah Andiman, MD, Caroline Cox, MD, Daisy Hassani, MD

Digital Library Group Members: Saya Segal, MD, MSCE, Scott Smilen, MD, Kris Strohbehn, MD, Terry White, MD

Past Members: Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, MD, Maria Florian-Rodriguez, MD, Mae Sanaee, MD, Polina Sawyer, MD

Web Design: Status Plus